[WIP] Eschatology
Well I might as well stop beating around the bush and make my first post here XD (and holy crap, I can use Markdown here? Nice.)
Basic Info
- NOT YET RELEASED - This is just the announcement for now. This should be ready in 2022.
- One hub, 5-7 levels, pistol start automatically enforced
- Mode: Single player only
- Engine: K8Vavoom required (does not work in other engines)
- IWAD: doom2.wad
- Only the original Doom and Doom 2 are considered cannon story-wise
- Join my Discord server where I tend to post about this a lot more often
Eschatology is a mini episode where you play as a space marine stuck in Hell. The set will consist of approximately 7 maps, playable in any order, plus a hub. Most of the maps will be done by me, but I'm accepting a few guest mappers as well.
This project abandons the traditional concept of "make maps, release project, go to next project, repeat" and instead embraces a sort of rolling release. As such, you can expect additional maps and content to (slowly) be added as add-on packs as I complete them - probably once every year or two. But each release should be considered separate. So, once finished, this will be the first v1.0 release (the next release with new maps will be v2.0).
The gameplay is very Doom-like, with some Quake flavor thrown in for good measure. There's a few new monsters and power-ups to keep things interesting, however. One of the levels is an updated and remixed version of my Halls of The Goat Child level. This new version is more difficult, has some new areas, and has redone visuals to take advantage of K8Vavoom. So don't expect the same experience as the original version ^_^. The rest of the levels are totally new.
We all know about the space marine who fought against the demons and stopped the invasion by Hell. But what most people don't know is that isn't the entire story...
To think that the invasion of Earth was all that Hell could muster was idealistic at best. Yet that's what everyone believed. Unbeknownst to them, however, legions of demons, uncountable in number, still gathered around their leaders across the various planes of Hell. All of them waited with bated breath for their next chance to strike and bring about the End of Days upon Earth. However, their plans did not account for one other lone marine that was still stuck in Hell.
Evelyn Walsh, a sergeant in the US Space Marine Corps, was stationed on Deimos when the demons first invaded. The carnage she saw was unreal, with friends and teammates slaughtered like lambs. During one particularly vicious attack wave, she was knocked unconscious. Days later she awoke inside of a strange temple to the sound of a disembodied voice, inhuman and echoing against the walls.
"You are arrogant to think that you kind can survive our invasion, mortal. We are Legion, innumerable and all powerful. Neither your weapons nor your beliefs in false idols have any power to stop us from bringing about the End of Days on your pitiful planet! Brimstone will rain down from the heavens as we approach and kill, torture, and mutilate every last one of your kind, and all other life!"
Evelyn stood up and squinted her eyes in anger, her black hair sticking to her blood-stained face. How she was still alive was a mystery, yet here she was, a living mortal standing in Hell. She knew what she had to do. With a clenched fist, she responded to the voice, "Then I guess I'll just have to stay here until every last one of you is dead."
And so, with relentless determination, Evelyn decided to stay and fight. She didn't know how long it would take, but she didn't care. Demon-kind would never reach Earth as long as she had something to say about it.
Other Things By Me
- Umbra of Fate
- Shadows of The Nightmare Realm
- The Unending
- Freaky Panties 1 and 2
- Oops! All Greyboxes! (community project)
- Halls of The Goat Child
- Extreme Terror
- One Doomed Marine
- Kill
- Some levels for other people that are not yet released
- WMC01 (map06), WMC02 (map12), WMC03 (map03)
Nearly all of these are on my website.
Looks cool, guess it's going to be an excuse for me to try out K8Vavoom
Gotta love Gamma settings in doom. I can never see anything in these dark-looking maps = (
@xulgonoth said in [WIP] Eschatology:
Looks cool, guess it's going to be an excuse for me to try out K8Vavoom
lol you are not the first person to say this
@karma said in [WIP] Eschatology:
Gotta love Gamma settings in doom. I can never see anything in these dark-looking maps = (
Yeah, I've always run into that issue
Part of it is that I tend to keep my whole apartment very dark, so I often misjudge lighting. Some of otex's textures are also very dark, so that doesn't help. Rest assured though, it will more balanced in terms of brightness by release ^_^
@mistressremilia It's my terrible eyesight is to blame. I always really loved the atmosphere of these maps - they way they look with really well done shadows, and the darker design. Only problem is that since I'm relatively blind, fighting monsters in these places always seem to make me want to quit playing. I have to strain too hard to see anything. Still VERY cool though.
@karma In my case it is hard to see in these levels because on my laptop monitor I can't see very dark shades - and it's not only settings, I tried to solve this. ( @Xulgonoth knows what I am talking about)
These are some killer levels!