Amorphous Euphoria - Development Finished
OK NEVERMIND I got a few more people to playtest it and tweaked a few more things. At this point I don't really care if people find off things about it, since all the major issues have been completely fixed, so I am completely done now. Sorry I sent so many versions of the map by the way, I just wanted to make sure it all played how it was intended.
Very excited to see the full wad released, looking forward to what everyone else has done for the project! -
@ChrisJEPlace Thank you! One more point towards
It explodes a little still, but it explodes with style.
Map Name (I guess): I Drew A Kitty in Doombuilder
Download: I_Drew_A_Kitty_In_Doombuilder.wad
Linedef Count: 9999
Playtesting: In theory, yes. Should be a cool challenge map.Edit: Fun trivia, apparently Aug 8th was "Cat Day", and today, Aug 10th is "Lion Day", and 9 is a kitty number (Aug 9th). Weird coincidence.
Edit 2: EPILEPSY WARNING unless I find whatever rogue vertex is causing the sky bleed stutter... I just loaded this with the actual resource pack... yikes.
Edit 3: Fixed broken geometry with Map Analysis mode, still has same issue, oh well.
Edit 4: Checked it out in GLBoom and looks great. Automap adds a whole new layer of abstract art onto this, and I'm not disappointed (Might swap the floor out from sky, not sure. Not sure if Cuppy is hard publishing as is, or there will be a beta):
While I can't figure out how to truly clean it up, might as well post the tweaked v2 I'm sitting on. (several nonbound vertex fixes, per Map Analysis Tool)
Version 2: I_Drew_A_Kitty_In_Doombuilder_v2.wad -
@NoisyVelvet recorded a demo for version 1 : noisykittydrawingcute.lmp
It's beautiful! I suffer from a skill issue preventing me from killing the cyberdemons but as for the cacodemons I've never seen them rise from their pits and don't even know if they'll ever come out. I don't know if you've 100%'d this yourself but I ended up winning the game anyway from wandering around and dying at the end. Are you keeping the MAP01 MIDI? That's fine and I think this is a suitable final level for the project. I wanted to get a better view of the in-game cat face from the outer reaches with a staircase to peek above the play area but it's okay. Glad it's finally here but yeah check out the demo and get more feedback! I don't think I had any visual errors aside from a stray slime trail.
The cacos used to come out faster but now take 3 minutes to climb out, so you have to dodge cyber rockets for 3 minutes :). Well, in theory, kinda sloppy in execution, but it is what it is.
I didn't pick a midi, wasn't thinking about using Map01's per se. Can I delegate midi-selection up to you if that's not too much work? You know the midi choices better than me. I guess I prefer something ambient or relaxing but pseudo-spooky, though anything works.
@NoisyVelvet The MIDI soundtrack I have for this is a lot of jazz, stuff from geocities, and Yamaha demo MIDIs so it could be either a slower smoother jazz piece or sticking with the MAP01 MIDI if left up to me. But yes you can delegate it to me if you wish.
I'm hearing Map01 midi back through your demo, and it's a jam too. Not really worried about whatever you pick anymore, even if it's Map01's. Have at it.
If anyone wants to write a post MAP06 text crawl you can (it can be used to share your favorite home cooking recipe if you'd like). Thinking about including a little beginning and end vignette map as well. The credits map can just be the same as the intro map but at night!
Any input positive or negative is welcome.
I love the idea of an intro/credits map reflecting each other, but with a dawn or dusk sky. If the map is on a linear path, perhaps setting it up so that the credits map takes the opposite path of the intro map may work well.
I'd be down to provide a little prose for the MAP07 text screen.
Version 3: I_Drew_A_Kitty_In_Doombuilder_v3.wad
-Doubled the Cybers
-Added 240 more cell ammo
-x10'd the Cacodemons (I didn't do the math, but I hope that can infight the cybers)
-If you fall, the Cyber pillars raise to the ceiling so you can't UV Max anymore.It's more in line with the nastier D5DA style of challenge maps now.
Sorry Cuppy, V4: I_Drew_A_Kitty_In_Doombuilder_v4.wad
-fixed ceiling trim, the 2-pixel height difference that makes the cat actually appear on the automap (it auto filled with fireblue and i just floodfilled all upper textures with comp black this time once and for all)I swear this is the last one!
@segfault Sure you can write something something. My only preference is that it's interesting! Also do note that this is the background music!
@NoisyVelvet It's okay! The only problem is that apparently there's a limit to how many likes I can give your posts in a day!
I need to sleep but before I do here's what I have so far:
AmorpheuV0.wad. If anyone has any problems with the map lineup let me know. MAP01 is what I was messing with for a bit too long (that and just messing with sky transfers) IDK if I'll keep it going so some feedback on that would be nice.<!> ATTENTION <!> I had to edit people's maps to do sky transfers since I discovered that's how they really work for Crispy Doom and not in MAPINFO which Crispy does not support. So if I screwed something up to change the sky in your map I apologize for any inconvenience my ignorance has caused.
@Walter-c I ended up leaving your map alone and if your unfinished 2nd map doesn't find a home then maybe it can be finished for a sequel!
MAP04's music messes up midi playback in DSDA-Doom by muffling some sound channels, most noticeable in the intermission music, and also affects the midi in my map.
@joe-ilya I don't know how to fix that I assume it's just a port specific problem. Found this thread though on using dsda-doom which mentions fixing midi playback.
I can't access Doomworld even in incognito mode.
It didn't fix the issue unfortunately, whatever.
Found this issue, a flashing wrong sky in MAP08.