My version of the Doom Minor Sprite Fixing Project
So, Revenant100 authored the Doom 2 Minor Sprite Fixing Project (DMSF for short), attempting to correct graphic errors while remaining faithful to what id's artists intended for the game. That is cool as hell, don't get me wrong, but there are some things that I wanted to change... so I left aside the faithfulness, and did my thing. Keep in mind, I wouldn't say that this is better, it's just different.
For the most part, this meant giving new offsets to the sprites that both centered their mass and improved the transitions between rotations and/or adjacent frames, from my point of view anyway.
Here are some examples (left anims are my edits, while right anims are from the original DMSF):
Monsters, projectiles, effects, decorations and pickups, all have been subject to the offsets rework, though the changes to the latter two might make certain existing maps look wrong, should they rely on very specific positioning. A few first person sprites were also changed.
Sprites for the MBF Helper Dog, crouching Player and Pistol pickup have also been added and given handmade offsets, with sound effects for the Dog. Additionally, some new sprites by have been implemented, most notably a new gibbing animation for the Imp.
Projectiles are now centered based on the actual visible projectile, ignoring the trail. You wouldn't realistically collide against the trail anyways, right?
Thanks to the omission of menu graphics shared across games, and the inclusion of DMSF's Ultimate Doom-specific fixes, this mod should be suitable for both Ultimate and Doom 2.
Certain menu graphics were also "fixed", and source port-specific menu graphics were provided (things like the "Crispness" menu text for Crispy Doom).
As a little bonus, GZDoom's DSSECRET is included in case your preferred port uses the sound.
Finally, the WAD's contents have been rather nicely organized, making use of prefixed markers.
Now, theory is that it works on most if not all ports. Testing was performed on Nugget Doom (a Woof! fork nearly identical to it) for the most part, and quick testing on vanilla and Chocolate Doom showed no issues right away.
With all this said, here it is!
And here's the full version, which includes the trimmed menu graphics not present in the main file to facilitate the work of modders:
If you, fellow reader, use this during gameplay or in your mods, please provide feedback, if any. Hope this is useful!