How do you playtest your maps? (besides fixing bugs)
-I don't collect secrets until I reach the exit; to ensure players who don't find any secrets will still have fun.
-I run into open areas without looking behind corners; to ensure players can run freely without getting punished too hard.
-When I spring big traps I wait 5 seconds before shooting and moving; to ensure players don't get punished too hard for not knowing what to do immediately.
-I make sure mandatory jumping sections don't require straferunning; so that players who don't know about it can pass without it.
-If I want to have a map with tight ammo balance; I put a chainsaw or a berserk, and I playtest without using them; my goal then is to have only a tiny bit of ammo left by the time I reach the exit, that way melee will be viable when players run out of ammo.
-I don't save much ammo, if for example I have an SSG ready and there's an imp in my face, I will use it even though it will waste 1 extra shell.
-I don't use infighting.
-I don't use saves.