I'VE GOT MY MTV! Version 1.1 / Release date - 31.12.2023
Honestly, I don't know what should I write here, but it's my first standalone wad I ever released, I hope you'll enjoy it.
I tried to polish everything as much as I could, but if there's any major bugs - notify me, I'll try to make a fix.
Do not use mouse look, please, there are some technics that can ruin your visual experience.
Tested with DSDA Doom, Nugget Doom, Doom Retro.
Should work fine with anything Boom and UMAPINFO compatible.
I highly recommend you to use Doom Retro because of visuals, but the above mentioned ports are also fine.
Big thanks for testing: Endoomer, Nikolanchik, RastaManGames
Download link: drive.google.com/file/d/1zO_qXUYcXEWd5vk4ppWWeaUBV5O27Hna/view?usp=sharing
Nice lil' arena map. I couldn't find the exit after I killed the cyberdemons though, IDK if I was missing a switch to open those doors or if I need to update my Doom Retro port. I missed out on a weapon or two until the final fight (I was running around trying to provoke infighting for the first two phases) since I didn't figure out what those switches on the sides did until then. Maybe the FLAT on those could be a brighter color like blue to help it stand out amongst the darkness and monsters roaming about. GG.