Most angled HUD weapons aren't bad
There's a bit of a stigma against angled weapons on HUD unless it's something for ZDoom, etc.
The main argument I see is that it makes it impossible to aim quickly unless a crosshair is used, and crosshairs kind of obscure the view.I think most weapons in Doom don't need to be centered because they're not as precise as people make them out to be, and cover a big target, the only weapons that need to be centered are the bullet weapons because they cover a small target, compared to even the shotgun.
Dual-wielding angled weapons for bullet weapons should be good since if it's positioned right (not duplicating a centered weapon graphic) you could get another form of lower precision crosshair.
I think angled weapons are fine myself as long as all weapons in the wad are such. A crosshair isn't really necessary imo because frankly, the point of doom's gameplay loop isn't precision aiming
I prefer centered because I think that's a bit iconic. My only gripe with angled weapons is when the angles are way off and it looks like you're trying to shoot someone to the left that's just out of your peripheral vision.