Dang so it's like sticking my eyes a little bit inside the computer screen, but playing with disorienting fast-paced tank controls?
The latest iteration of Doom 3 VR for the Quest(2) looks really good with how every gui element exists in the 3D space and isn't a static image. You can see the PDA as a pop-up hologram of sorts, your health on a wristband, and even the pistol gets an ammo counter screen tacked on to it which seems to make it the best way to play Doom 3 in VR atm. Apparently HD graphics mods can be stacked on to it too but can lower framerate but in the future hopefully the VR package can continue to improve with connecting everything for an even more immersive experience as well as being able to handle uber modded Doom 3 VR action at 120 fps. Dividing my attention between using the PDA and being wary of any sudden demon encounters should be a spooky good time!
Thank you for your response!