Post screenshots of the projects you're working on!!
That rules @Cuppykeks! Your stuff always has such awesome style.
Here's more WIP stuff for Antiquity. This is a new enemy based on the Nightmare Imp from Doom 64. Astral Imps here are tougher, faster, and hit harder. Also, they're a nice translucent blue. Basically an upgraded imp. Together with the officer (another new enemy that's basically an SS Nazi reskin with minor tweaks) and maybe another low-tier enemy I'd like to have the lower portion of the enemy roster filled out more to provide more variety while restricting the player to shotgun/chaingun.
@segfault Late response but thank you! When I mess with this again I'll have to change the colors to not black-and-white and will probably have to redo the entire palette to be gradients of strong colors.
Your nightmare imp is very cool and maybe the upgrades it has will make it a higher priority to target even among a group of normal imps. IDK if they'll infight though.
@ChrisJEPlace More Cthulhu screenshots.
(First two look pretty washed out because UDB's software viewer makes it hard to see anything in them. Looks fine in game though.)
@ChrisJEPlace Absolutely solid texture selection, this looks so unique i love it!!
@ChrisJEPlace You somehow managed to make a map that looks like it is from Dusk, by using textures from Blood.
My map for SLOOTER a lewd FPS built with GZDoom! Check it out and support Doomy NSFW high-impact sexual violence! Please share!
--> <--
I thought you hated HDoom
At last I got huge node tables work with my DOS port - not a bit feat, more of overcoming one's own dumbness:
Oh, and finally this as well:
Ooh I think I've seen that before. Looking forward to trying it.
EDIT: interesting dithering on the megasphere in the previous previous post
Yes, I've previously posted screenies of Jumpwad Map03 in Tartar, then captured in DOS, not DOSBox, but tall textures and extended nodes were really half done. I've now made improvements to this and also added loading of DeepSea nodes, so that, say, Map31 of Eviternity, Map09 of Avactor can be loaded, skyscrapers don't have texturing artifacts in Map02 of Jumpwad and in Map03 geometry is correct which was required for this nice little diamond animation. DOSBox I'm using now struggles with more advanced maps, but the target platform for Tartar is native DOS (plain or with Windows 9x), where performance is much better.
first use of donut linedef action in (almost) 30 years