Everything requires me to prove I'm not a robot nowadays. Perhaps the demographics of the Internet would show that at least 50% of all users are actually bots! Oh yeah, and the constant need to prove I am a human amidst lightning speed Internet browsing is very annoying. There should be in-theme captcha's out there for certain websites to at least make it suck less.
I'm not a robot btw in case anyone's wondering. Though I don't know how many botnets I am unwillingly part of
IDK if you guys remember those ads/games that showed up asking you to shoot ipods for the chance to win a free one. Well I saw one one time that wanted me to shoot green aliens, except they used the pinky sprites from Doom and recolored them green so yeah that'd be much better.
Boop Beep. I am a normal human being too and come in peace, and totally not a weirdo.
Most of those captcha's are to crowdsource image recognition data, good for self-driving cars, etc. Creepy but cool.
I bet you could use minigames and quizzes to farm all sorts of cool creepy cool psychometric/telemetric stuff too and take over the world.
I mean, Beep Boop. I am an ormal human being.
I wonder what data AI can farm from online tarot card readings. I forgot about those but did one just now with my reliable method of spamming my left click all over the cards until I can't pick any more. Surely there is some ethereal form of guidance to my seemingly chaotic hand movements.
Imagine you are presented with a bowl with strawberry or chocolate treats but you can't tell which is which flavor so you simply take the one that is first presented to you. Whichever flavor you wanted is the one you naturally reached out to, while those that disturbed the mound and stifled their own destiny got their less desired flavor of treat. Thanks universe! Different methods for different occasions but it just works!
This may help the robots become better oracles. All-knowing and all-seeing information brokers at least with a side hustle.