@Large-Cat Just finished playing your map, here's a (very long) demo.
On my first run you could see i was doing super well and actually was having a ton of fun, though after the first death is where i started seeing a few issues. I'll try to make a concise list:
-The zombiemen at the start feel like nothing but a health tax and, after your first run, they start feeling like a waste of time (especially combined with the lift which isn't quite fast enough).
-There's a bit too much going on when you get off the lift at the top of the pit. I feel like it'd feel a lot better to give you a Super Shotgun (not even a regular shotgun, more on that later) when getting on the lift, or just not have so many tanky high DPS enemies at the start (shotgunners are definitely a huge unnecessary health tax on top of the one with the zombiemen in the pit). I don't think this would even break the plasma fight setup because you wouldn't have the time or space to think you can stay and fight at the start.
-The cyberdemon is a brilliant part of this map, and while i felt like the map was way too hard it was due to inconveniences and grind that i'll point out below. If you watch my demo you'll see i eventually figured it'd be more beneficial to just get rid of the cyberdemon, but i think with tweaks to make the rest of the map less frustrating i wouldn't feel such an urge to get rid of him early.
-The map is beautiful (especially the outside area) and i do really like the general layout, though i feel like a lot of the things you should be paying attention to look a bit too dull and so you end up focusing on cosmetic details and missing core gameplay aspects of arenas. Like how you can see in my demo that i took forever to realize the chaingun arena even existed since the doorway to it is so desaturated and relatively dark comparing to the rest of the hub. Maybe add some light sequences or armor/health bonuses to help with this?
-I actually couldn't tell what the switch at the end of the corridors of the chaingun timed fight did, apart from spawning pretty undodgeable revenants. I did not like fighting them in such a cramped hallway, felt very clunky and claustrophobic.
-As for the arena of that area itself, you really should just have a chaingun on a pedestal and a LOT of bullets around. The shotgun is pretty useless for that fight (even the SSG would be a bit too sluggish for the fight if you added it).
-The sour blossoms in that arena didn't really do much of anything, i think putting them closer to the center (maybe even using the angry ones??) could make the fight a lot more fun and make it flow faster as well as helping a lot with the issue of running out of ammo so easily, since you'd be able to use them to harm the demons.
-The rocket launcher area feels really wrong. I don't think there's anything wrong with the layout itself, but there's way too many enemies, way too many tanky enemies, the revenants are definitely a bit too much and it's very unclear how to get the RL (would be a lot better to just make it lower by switch or already place it close to the ground). As for the enemies, maybe just leave very few in there and make a few (hopefully not too tanky) enemies spawn in? You could play around with it, but do try to avoid putting too many enemies spread around everywhere, since that made it feel way too claustrophobic and unfun to run through.
-The plasma fight is honestly great and i feel like the only issues i have with it are the archvile at the end (feels extremely unfair as it is usually just a guaranteed zap and your soulsphere gone) and waaaay too many tanky enemies. I think you could easily do with no hellknights and just pinkies and the archvile at the start.
-The switches on the plasma fight are also a little too low on the ground, so it's extremely easy to not see them or not be able to see what state they're in, and also really easy to just climb them by accident making it extremely difficult to press them in a haste. You could put them on 16 or 24 tall small little platforms and make those block players, that would fix all these issues i think.
-The lift to the switch for the final fight is a little unnecessarily deadly. I think you could do with pushing it in a little further to make it harder to catch a stray rocket and remove the pinkies (or just place them as ambush near the switch).
-I do also support the idea of adding a BFG for the final fight, as i honestly can't really see how you're supposed to fight that many enemies with just a rocket launcher and plasma rifle, especially if i didn't kill the cyberdemon.
-Maybe could add an invulnerability secret somewhere? I think it could be really good for a blind player to use to practice different parts of the level or to just use it on whatever of all 4 major fights they find to be the hardest. I think it could be a really fun addition! Up to you though.
I actually can't comment on anything beyond this because i stopped playing, seeing that there were too many little problems stacked up making it very frustrating to get very far. Though i imagine that really was the final fight and opened up an exit...somewhere.
I hope i wasn't too harsh though, your map is really good and i'm sure with some tweak it can be extremely fun!! You just need to rebalance it around a bit so strategies are a lot more consistent and so that progression/combat can be a lot faster an snappier.
BiZ on my Discord server also recorded a demo and a txt file with thoughts on the map for you, he asked me to pass it along since he doesn't have an account on this forum: