Levels 6 to 7 where nice and fun. Very roomy for zooming about. Combat was fun. I did find the levels a little on the bare side. But those fish! And the fishing boats. So cute. I love it!
Level 8 was one tough level for me. I liked it (but hated the crusher section especially when I though of being clever and saving the berserk for later only for you to block my way, good work! 10/10). Aesthetically I think this level is very strong with the sunken ruins and the fishing boats floating above baiting you with the key on a hook. It's so atmospheric. I also like how no music plays (unless this is unintentional) as it adds to the suspense of the level and fuels its exploratory nature. Having background music thumping away would ruin its non-linearity. An enjoyable, slow paced level.
Now for criticisms. This is the kind of level I'd play with saves. If the levels in this wad are going to continue getting tougher I'm in for a bad time (or I'll have to improve). The one thing I found most lacking was armour. Please throw in another two green armours. That would make things much easier health wise.