Grime by EduardoAndFriends
5 Boom compatible maps
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Made using Duke 3d textures almost entirely, it's used stylistically to create dilapidated and grimed city environments, its difficulty is easy, but with a couple traps that will kill you if you get too cocky. Very DBP-like in terms of quality, creativity, length, and even an exit-less final MAP06.
The map contains some voice acting by the authors for the zombies, I didn't really like them, but it gave the wad some additional Duke 3D character.
Venus Temple by Azuris
1 vanilla map
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A newbie's effort at making a map; it's got plenty of small visual errors and it's very easy, but it's fun and has charm; it reminds me of The Unholy Trinity, and MAP31 from TNT with its basic rooms, but with the author's own custom textures that give the rooms architectural purpose.